01584 841630
  • Autumn term begins Tuesday 3rd September 8:45am


Filename Size Date
Accessibility Policy.pdf 187.2KB 07/04/2022
Attendance policy.pdf 224.2KB 21/01/2024
Behaviour and Antibullying Policy.pdf 225.5KB 21/09/2023
Charging and remissions policy.pdf 65.0KB 15/03/2023
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-24 .pdf 640.0KB 02/02/2024
Complaints Policy & Procedure.pdf 225.4KB 05/05/2023
Confidentiality Policy.pdf 166.3KB 05/05/2023
E-safety-policy.pdf 468.1KB 22/09/2023
Equality Policy.pdf 277.9KB 07/04/2022
Fire_Safety_Policy_2023.pdf 275.8KB 13/03/2024
Health-and-Safety-Policy.pdf 442.0KB 13/03/2024
Security Policy Statement.pdf 55.9KB 22/09/2023
SEND Policy 2023 Corvedale.pdf 360.7KB 30/10/2023
Curriculum Policies
       Assessment Policy.pdf 123.3KB 27/04/2022
       Curriculum policy.pdf 98.9KB 27/04/2022
       Feedback and Marking Policy.pdf 153.0KB 21/01/2024
       Homework Policy.pdf 121.8KB 27/04/2022
       Home Learning Policy Statement.pdf 52.3KB 27/04/2022
       Teaching and Learning Policy.pdf 105.7KB 27/04/2022
       Art Policy Statement.pdf 138.7KB 15/03/2023
       Computing and ICT Policy Statement.pdf 122.5KB 27/04/2022
       Design & Technology Policy Statement.pdf 110.3KB 27/04/2022
       English Policy Statement.pdf 79.8KB 27/04/2022
       Foreign-Language-Policy Statement.pdf 105.9KB 27/04/2022
       Geography Policy Statement.pdf 79.3KB 27/04/2022
       History Policy Statement.pdf 78.4KB 27/04/2022
       Maths Policy Statement.pdf 109.4KB 25/01/2023
       Music Policy.pdf 155.3KB 01/02/2023
       pshe-rse-policy-corvedale-2023.pdf 157.6KB 25/01/2024
       PE and School Sport Policy.pdf 161.8KB 27/04/2022
       RE Policy.pdf 217.2KB 09/06/2022
       Science Policy Statement.pdf 99.8KB 27/04/2022
Admissions Policy 2025-2026.pdf 104.7KB 30/10/2023
Admissions Policy 2024-2025.pdf 110.0KB 23/03/2023
Admissions Policy 2023-2024.pdf 141.8KB 07/10/2022
Whistleblowing-Policy.pdf 217.4KB 20/03/2023