01584 841630
  • Autumn term begins Tuesday 3rd September 8:45am

Collective Worship

Dear God,
I offer you this day,
All that I think or do or say.
Uniting it to what was done,
On earth, by Jesus Christ, Your Son.

Collective worship takes place each day in the school hall and is led by different members of staff.

The incumbent, Vicar of the Corvedale parishes, Reverend John Beesley, leads worship once a week.

The Festivals of Harvest, Christmas and Easter are celebrated in one of the four Parish Churches. Children have the opportunity therefore, to worship in their own Parish Church. These occasions are attended by Parents and Governors and reflect the wish of the school community to retain close links with its four Ecclesiastical Parishes and for the children to identify with the school's Church of England Foundation.

Parents have a legal right to withdraw their child from collective worship and from all or part of the Religious Education. Where this is requested an alternative arrangement would be made for their supervision.