01584 841630
  • Autumn term begins Tuesday 3rd September 8:45am

Class 3

There are 22 children in total in Class 3: 15 boys and 7 girls. This includes 7 children in Year 6 and 15 children in Year 5.

Mrs Littlar and Miss Ebrey share the responsibility of class teacher and Mr Brough teaches us when he's not on headteacher duty. Mrs Smith and Mrs Davies also assist with teaching some subjects.

Morning Routine
Y6 children enter the building through Classroom 4 and Y5 children enter through Classroom 3. Once children have organised their belongings, they are expected to enter the classroom promptly to begin their early morning activity. Once the teacher has taken the register the first lesson will begin straight afterwards.

Home/School Communication
You can contact the teaching staff directly via email or through the school office.

Lesson resources for spelling are from Spelling Shed www.spellingshed.com and for maths, Times Table Rock Stars https://ttrockstars.com/  Table Trainer and Mental Maths Challenges are available from NumberGym www.numbergym.co.uk

PE Lessons
PE with Mr Jack Fletcher from Sports 4U is on Friday afternoons and with Mrs Dillon from Trusted Sports Alliance
 on Wednesday afternoons. The children should wear the correct kit please. Children need a royal blue T-shirt & shorts and PE shoes (pumps or trainers) for sports activities. Tracksuits may be worn for outdoor PE during cold weather.

Homework for Maths is given out each week on Friday to be handed in the following Wednesday. Children should also read for 20 minutes every day and should use Spelling Shed and Times Table Rock Stars for at least 10 minutes every day.

End of the day routines:
Children in both classes will exit from their classroom fire doors and then  through the side gate on to the playground. Parents wait for your child on the playground 
please .