01584 841630
  • Autumn term begins Tuesday 3rd September 8:45am

Our Church

What does it mean to be a Church of England school in the 21st Century?

We believe that the care and guidance given to our children is good because of the Christian values that underpin everything that we do.

Our school has a deeply embedded sense of itself as a Church school community. The whole school ethos is founded on our Christian values and we explicitly link our mission statement to our Christian values through our collective worship planning and our approach to teaching and learning. ​ We have longstanding and mutually beneficial links with our local parish churches – St Peter's, Diddlebury, All Saints, Culmington, St Peter's, Stanton Lacey and St Michael's, Munslow. 

As a Church school we are profoundly committed to cherishing each child and community member.  We are building a community where children and staff grow together with healthy minds, healthy bodies and healthy spirits.

Diocese of Hereford Board of Education Vision for Education

Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools (SIAMS)

St. Peters Church The Church of England’s web page for St. Peters Church, Diddlebury

St Michael's Church, Munslow

All Saints' Church, Culmington

Religious Education

As a Church of England Aided School, Religious Education has a particular consideration within the curriculum. The school is working to the Shropshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and teaching is assisted by guidance from the Hereford Diocese.

As part of the Religious Education syllabus taught within the school, the traditions and practices of other faiths, including Christianity, are explored.

Click this link to take you to the RE currciulum page